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THe V's

FEBRUARY    VIDEO    OF   OUR   FIRST    SINGLE    'LA    Revolucion    de    los    zombies'


Not only are we releasing the video of 'La revolucion de los Zombies', but we will be releasing a free digital download of the single to keep all of you that can't wait for the album release happy!


As well as giving the final touches to the album and preparing everything for the video shooting, we are also already planning the release party. This will take place in White Trash at end of March. Keep on checking the website or join our mailing list to receive updates and any new info.

January    crowdfunding    For   the   filming   of   our   debut   music   video    Finished


We are extremely happy to announce that not only did we achieve our IndieGoGo crowdfunding goal but we actually exceeded it.
Thanks to you we raised the money we need to cover the costs and make one badass music video.
Keep your eyes peeled!